Wednesday, November 25, 2009

10 Common Symptoms And Signs Of High Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure - Silent Killer!

High Blood pressure is the measure of force against arteries. Do you have high blood pressure? Do you know what are common symptoms and signs of high blood pressure? This article will give you comprehensive information about common signs and symptoms of high blood pressure.

Exercise is very important to kill this silent killer!

Usually people ignore high blood pressure. Even those who take medicine, only take anti hypertensive medication for short time. Studies have proved that 90% of high blood pressure patients show non compliance with their medication. If you will not control your blood pressure it may lead to serious problems with your Heart, Kidneys, Brain and Eyes. If you want to save these vital organs, then you will have to control your blood pressure within limits.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80. If this reading goes above 140/90, then you consider yourself as a hypertensive patient. Between 120 and 140 is a pre hypertensive stage. Which can be controlled even by natural measures like exercise, low salt intake, stop smoking, lower cholesterol, eat vegetables etc.

How will you come to know that you have high blood pressure?

High blood pressure typically has no symptoms at all, that is why we can call it as Silent killer. Although there are many coincidental symptoms that are widely believed to be associated with high blood pressure. These include headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, a flushed face and fatigue.

Although people with high blood pressure may have many of these symptoms, they occur just as frequently in those with normal blood pressure. Why these symptoms occur, If a person has high blood pressure that is severe or longstanding and left untreated, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, restlessness, and blurred vision can occur as a result of damage to the brain, eyes, heart and kidneys. In rare cases, high blood pressure may cause brain swelling, which can lead to drowsiness and coma.

Briefly Hypertension has following 10 common symptoms.

Nosebleed (Epistaxis)
tinnitus (Ringing in Ears)
sleepiness, Ansomnia
profuse sweating
low libido or lack of sexual desire
Blurred vision

If you have not above symptoms, it does not mean that you have no high blood pressure. Remember most common symptom of high Blood pressure is that " It Has No Symptom". Best way to keep you healthy is to have your blood pressure checked at regular intervals.
Wish you all the good health.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Foot Care Tips for Diabitic People!

Why exercise is really important for everybody? Because of regular brisk walk and light exercise also can help us long way:

Prevntion of most of the disease, eat food with caution. Today I am going to talk about some of the foot care tips for diabitic person:

If you have diabetes information about how to manage your condition is vital to your well being.

If you don't look after your feet you run the risk of developing sores or infections that could, in the worst case scenario, lead to amputations. Reduce your risk of infection or amputation by incorporating these 7 foot care tips...

1) Check your feet daily - especially if you have low sensitivity or no feeling in your feet. Sores, cuts and grazes could go unnoticed and you could develop problems leading to amputations.

2) Don't go around barefoot, even indoors. It's easy to tread on something or stub your toes and cut yourself. Protect your feet with socks/stockings and

3) Be careful if you have corns or calluses. Check with your doctor or podiatrist the best way to care for them.

4) Wash your feet daily in warm, NOT HOT water. And don't soak your feet (even if you've been standing all day) because it could dry your skin and form cracks or sores.

5) Take extra care to dry your feet completely, especially between your toes. These are natural moisture traps - leaving them damp or wet could create all sorts of problems.

6) Exercise your legs and feet regularly. Even when sitting you can rotate your ankles; wiggle your toes or move your legs up and down. These all keep your blood circulation flowing and helps to minimize the risk of foot problems.

7) Get your feet professionally checked, at least once a year, for sensitivity and signs of any problems. You can usually arrange this when you have your annual check up for your AC1 levels (blood glucose levels over a 3-month period), blood pressure and cholesterol.

Take constant care of your feet. Get help from a relative or professional; Doctor, diabetic nurse or podiatrist if you are not able to bend when trimming nails or checking for sores. Taking these simple actions will help you reduce the risk of painful problems.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Diet Rules


Diet Rules - Easy To Understand and Apply

There are in fact diet rules out there that are meant to be broken? Yes, recently many dated diet guidelines and myths are up for speculation. You’ve probably heard all these ridiculous rules before, but experts weigh-in on the value of these supposed truisms - most of which won't help you lose weight or make dieting any easier.

10 Food Rules You Can Ignore:

1. Eating at night will pile on the pounds. The total calories you consume over a 24-hour period or over a week is what causes you to gain weight, and when you eat these calories doesn't matter.

2. It's best to eat at the same times every day. Eat when you're hungry, not when the clock says it's time to eat.

3. Dieting with a buddy always makes weight loss easier. Common goals may pay off but weight loss is a personal journey.

4. Dietary fat keeps you feeling full longer, so you'll eat less. Fat does take longer to digest, but it will not help you control your hunger. Foods likely to fight off hunger the best ever are protein foods, followed by carbohydrates, then fats.

5. When you blow your diet, you might as well wait until the next day to get back on track. Nothing could be farther from the truth- always try to get right back on track with your next meal.

6. Refusing food at a party or when visiting is rude. Turning down food that you know will blow your diet is socially acceptable.

7. Skipping a meal every now and then will help you lose. Skipping a meal means you will be so hungry at the next meal that you are likely to overeat. This can also help lead to a slowdown of your metabolism.

8. Bread is stuffing, nuts are high in calories, pasta is fattening. Whole-wheat bread/pasta is a great source of nutrients, and it won't make you gain weight more than any other food with the same quantity of calories.

9. All calories are equal. This is somewhat true, however; you'll get more nutrients from a 100-calorie apple than from a 100-calorie portion of white bread. Choose healthier items if you are losing weight, or scheming your hunger.

10. If you don't clean your plate, you're wasting food. If you just don't feel right leaving the table until you've cleaned your plate, underestimate your desire and put less food on your plate to begin with, or you may overeat.

Don’t believe everything you hear! Much of it is just superstition. Now you can tell your friends the real truth. In the end, nutrition experts say, many of the food and dieting rules we hold dear are meant to be broken - without guilt!

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Good Balanced Diet

A good balanced diet is very important for all of us, no matter what your age is.

It is important because it provides right amount of each nutrients in our body.How do we get right amount of nutrients in our food? Well, we have to look at our daily eating habits like what do we eat in snacks, lunch, dinner etc…. To stay healthy our body needs good quality food with nutrients in them.
There are 5 important nutrients; our body would not survive without it.
Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fat, Vitamins and Minerals are five very important nutrients. I will discuss each one of them in detail:

1. Carbohyderates:
Main source of carbohydrates are sweet and starchy foods such as bread, biscuits, cereal, rice, potatoes, pasta, bananas and other fruits. Carbohydrates are a superior short-term fuel for organisms because they are simpler to metabolize than fats or those amino acid portions of proteins that are used for fuel as per Wikipedia. They are used for energy.

2. Protein:
Meat, chicken, eggs, fish, beans, peas, lentils, and nuts are the good source of protein. We need protein to build cells in our body as well as to make blood and restore and repair tissues.
When we eat protein base food, digestive juice in stomach and intestine starts working. They break down the protein in food into basic units which is specified as amino acids.

3. Fats:
One of components in food. Some foods including most fruits and vegetable have almost no fat. You can find fat in butter, margarine, cooking oils, red meats, cheese and cream etc. Fat is one of the three main components of the food like Carbohydrates and Protein. The body uses fat as fuel source. You need some fat in your diet for good health. Fats are also used for energy. Muscles use a mixture of fats and glycogen.

4. Vitamins:
It is essential to have vitamins in our food for the normal growth and development of our body. Our body is one powerful machine and capable of doing all sorts of things by itself. Our body is able to get the vitamins it needs from the food we eat. Different food contains different vitamins .That is why, it is very important we eat a variety of food to get all different kinds of vitamins. Vitamins and Minerals are substance that can be found in food we eat. So, when we eat foods that contain fat soluble vitamins, the vitamins are stored in the fat tissue in our body.

5. Minerals:
are also as important as vitamins. Iron, Calcium, Potassium etc are the few example of minerals. Like vitamins, all these different kind of mineral we get from variety of food. Beans, Baked potatoes with skin, green leafy vegetable like spinach, kale, and broccoli. Why do we need Iron? The body needs iron to transport oxygen from lungs to entire body. Calcium helps us to build strong bones so; we can stand up straight, walking and jogging etc. Dairy products like milk, cream, cheese etc are the main source of calcium. Potassium is one of a mineral also like other minerals very important for our body. It keeps muscle and nervous system work properly. Banana, broccoli, tomatoes are some example of potassium contain food.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Obesity (Part III)

Further in our discussion for causes of obesity:

Drug Use Is What Causes Obesity

Some drugs have ugly half effects - one of the most common ones - weight gain.

Want to appreciate those drugs?

Well, drug for high blood pressure, is one.

Drugs to treat HIV, is another.

Endometriosis drugs to treat endometriosis, is a classic example that can fatten you up.

Contraceptive pills might mound pounds on you.

Diabetes medications will pad you out.....

So, don't be too over-dependent on drugs.....

First Child in Older Women - A Cause for Obesity

The unkind age of women giving first birth in the US has increased from 21.4 in 1970 to 24.9 in 2000.

The implication for now is that an older woman at first birth seems to be a risk element for obesity.

The results for the US National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute's study found so the odds of a child being obese increases by about 14% for each 5 extra years of his or her mother's age, though no one knows for sure why.

Could poor sleep cause this? Probably.

Also, as family size decreases, first-borns make up for a greater share of the populace - evidenced in the US wherein in 1976, 9.6% of women in their 40s had one child but in 2004, the percentage had increased to 17.4%. This combination of older women and greater number of single children might be contributing to the obesity epidemic.

Like Marrying Like - A Cause for Obesity

I'm sure you've seen the pattern -

We are liable to pair off according to looks.

So we do fancy wise when comes to body size.....

If you're thin, you're more likely to marry a thin person and if you're fat, you are more likely to marry a fat person...

On its own, this would not consideration for the increase in value in obesity but if we record other components such as genetics and obese consumers produce more children, properties could amplify the increase in value in obesity from other causes.

In conclusion, obesity sucker due to a single cause but is multifactorial in origin.

The leads to deal with here are by no means exhaustive...

You should have greater amount of makes like genetics, overeating, slower metabolism, gender, illness, psychological factors, and diet rich in simple carbohydrates, frequency of eating...

So, aren't you glad to know that "no exercise and overeating" are not the only grim causes of obesity? Since you hate to exercise and fancy eating? (Aren't we all?)

Can you then don't do exercise and eat with no restrain?

Hey, certainly not! A reasonable amount of exercise and healthy eating are even on the card for you...

What the obesity researchers try to say is this -

When we think of how causes obesity, we normally point to "no exercise and overeating" as the culprits...

Oh, properties are.

But if you're still on the heavier side a great deal in the wake of working at enough exercise and eat healthily, then you might look for to look beyond these types of "big 2 " factors to find out the true reason(s) for your weight problem.

Other components like those articulated above would cause obesity as well...

It's good for you to come to find out, to proper address your problem.

However, adopting a healthy lifestyle who inculcates the habit of exercise and eating healthy food should be your first priority, to stave off further weight gain.

If you do this, continuing to weight losses as small as 10% of your bodyweight can go up your health...

In conclusion: How to live balance life? How to live healthy life? Sign up for my Newsletter Now!

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

What Cause Obesity? (Part II)

Further to causes of Obesity:

Temperature Effects Cause Obesity:

Studies have proven that in comfortable temperature, you use decreased energy, thereby burning less person fat. In hotter temperature environment, you'll sweat a lot a good deal more which in turn uses a large amount of energy. There's also evidence to suggest that you will reduce the amount of food intake in hotter temperature environment.

Less Smoking or Quitting Smoking Causes Obesity:

If you're a smoker, you are likely thinner than others. So, if you cut lessened smoking or quit altogether, you will pile on the pounds, though no one knows why this is so.....Most impending is because nicotine is an appetite suppressant and seemingly can raise your metabolic rate.....

The US National Center for Health Statistics calculates that smokers kicking the habit have been heard responsible for a small but significant portion of the US obesity epidemic.

The Center operates out that smokers who quit in the previous decade are more likely to be obese than smokers and those who never smoke. Among men, virtually 50% of the quitters are obese contrasted with 37% of non-smokers and 28% of smokers.

Pollution Can Cause Obesity:

Our environment has become more polluted and inevitably, we're exposed more to pollutants like industrial chemicals (dyes, plastic wastes, pesticides, herbicides, gaseous compound, solvents....).

There's evidence that a small amount of some of these chemicals can trigger to weight gain. Studies experience found such a when people are exposed to these chemicals found in food, the higher the toxic level in the food, the greater the body weight.

This is because some of these chemicals are endocrine disruptors that disrupt the functions of hormones like oestrogen.

You know right, when your hormone (oestrogen) performs not function well, it wreaks havoc in your body, not excluding weight gain?

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Friday, June 5, 2009

What Causes Obesity?

What are the different factors play role in Obesity?

Obesity refers to an arrangement of a person's bodyweight when it's 20% or more above standard bodyweight.

Obesity increases odds of developing high blood pressure, diabetes (type 2), heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease and cancer of the breast, prostate and colon.

In the US, close to 300,000 deaths per year are directly connected to obesity........

It's not just a health hazard; it is a life threatening disease as well.

Understanding what causes obesity will be able to boost you stave off it more effectively.

And You'd think too "no exercise and overeating" are the culprits.......

These 2 of path are the main causes since we are bombarded daily with plenty of exorbitant calorie food, but because of our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, we do not exercise at all or don't do sufficient exercise, so we run true hard not to get fat.

But there are also other causes - other as opposed to the "big 2" - "no exercise and overeating", which contribute to obesity.

Ahem.......If you hate exercise and covet to eat, you can now breathe easier knowing overly "no exercise and overeating" are not the only culprits that lead to obesity......

Which instigate obesity? Let’s have a check at them and see whether they resonate investing in you.

Not Enough Sleep is What Causes Obesity

You're surprised?

You figure it should be the individual opposite, right? That not adequate sleep may motivate you to consume weight (because it affects your body's health), not to step up weight!

However, several studies mean that there is a relationship between how much you sleep and your weight gain.....

The first is the US Health & Nutrition Examination Survey which concludes that if you sleep less than 7 hours per night, you tend to suffer a higher person mass index (BMI) than a person who sleeps a greater amount of hours.

Obesity researchers have suggested this is so due to the fact that if you do not have sufficient sleep, your metabolism could be changed as Leptin, the hormone that equals satiety decreases additionally Ghrelin, the hormone that signals hunger, increases and right now cranks up your appetite.

We all know obesity affects sleep, so these studies' results that say this not enough sleep ought to lead to weight swell are really "eye-openers".......

And we're sleeping less, that's a reality we can't deny, given our hectic lifestyle and the fierce demands life put on us.

The Americans slept a routine of 8.5 hours per night in 1960. In a 2002 poll by the National Sleep Foundation, the normal hour had lowered to less than 7 hours per night.

The possible results confirm that the decreased hours of sleep was partly associated with the increase in obesity.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is Exercise Important?

Do we Really need Exercise?

We reside in an era of chaos, never before in the history of humans have people had so much given on or carried on so busy. We are consumed by the want to pull off more, own more and be more. Yet, in all the time, energy, and money handed out to the pursuit of these endeavors, the car too can ultimately get you there often gets neglected. That's right; you-the physical you-your body.

It might be easy to rhyme off all of the health benefits associated with regular exercise as a motivation to work out, but the fact is, this does not work, unless of course properties are faced with a serious health problem, which unfortunately is often the reason individuals find the drive. We are all motivated in different ways and by different things. The key is to bring in a reason that will make you need to continue to problem your body and stay active for a life time.

For me it's simple-I exercise to be strong. I'm not referring to physical strength either, all though this is a simple by product; it is absolutely the mental aspect. When we begin to see the details our body is capable of working at it increases our self belief, which in turn pushes our brain to convince our body we can do still more. It is a sure spiral effect. The way we imagine and feel about our self on the inside is the way we project ourselves on to the world. If you feel strong and confident, others see you as solid and confident. Personally I believe I'm capable of achieving everything I set my mind to; and this strength of character is a result of how hard I've trained my body.

If someone asks you a question, do you need to brush your teeth? What will be your answer? Well, I brush my teeth because my mouth feels unfavorable if I don't-plus I don't desire my teeth to rot and fall out! It becomes so engrained into habitual practices that you can't imagine not doing it.

I believe, you owe it to yourself and you owe it to the folks who are most principle to you. I want to be able to enjoy livelihood to its fullest in on my loved ones. I can't do the current if I'm not viable and fit. I like to be a positive role model for my kids one day, and more significantly just be there for them as they grow up to own kids of their own. We continue to become smarter provided each passing generation yet with the development of our brains comes the "de-evolution" of our bodies. All other critters on the nation pass on the strongest and fittest genes-we pass on unhealthy, out of shape, overweight, couch potato DNA. Things have got to change.

Ultimately, whatever it is that will make someone has to arrive on within, and only properties know what that serves to be. It won't turn up based on information from me alleging "you should go exercise" or a picture of particular quite person on a magazine cover promising you'll look like them in six weeks. You have to do it to achieve results. It’s you.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Remove Fat Around Belly

How to remove fat around Belly? Big question?

Everyone wants a toned tummy, but it can be one of the hardest houses to get rid of stubborn fat. There are loads of packages on the market based on data from pills, to shakes, to stomach wraps such a all regard to harm stubborn belly fat, but many times properties end up going down very brief or submitting poor results. So how do you get rid of deep belly fat? The truth is which anyone stores fat differently and some people are able to own a simpler time attaining rid of it as opposed to others. This performs not mean that other buyers are doomed to own deep belly fat forever, but some people will have to Hello How Are you? Other on their abdomen to get the results they want. The excellent news is among the correct approach virtually everyone can see an improvement in their belly fat.

The key to removing deep belly fat is really diet and exercise. It looks like an old cliché©, but it is true. Eating the best diet and consuming lower calories as opposed to you use is the initial stage to eliminating belly fat. An exercise service this combines cardiovascular exercise amongst weight training and targeted abdominal workouts is the imminent stage to a toned belly. Belly fat will not vanish overnight but if you stick to a healthy routine of diet and exercise you will eventually see results. Sticking with your procedures can be the hardest part of toning your belly, as numerous people get discouraged when they do not see results right away. It takes time to see improvements, anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, there really is no such thing as instant results when it comes to belly fat.

The perfect way to lose belly fat is to eat a good meet diet and commence a cardio workout service that you enjoy. You do not hold to work out most any day, offer sure you exercise on a balanced schedule giving up your body time to rest and recover in between. Some people skip the cardio and go right to the crunches when they are attempting to lose belly fat, but these types of exercises are calculated to tone muscles not loose fat. You when focus on cardio legislation until you suffer lost the fat and then begin toning muscles. Good cardio programs are able to help to tone your entire person as well so you will currently have ahead embark on after the fat is gone.

There are many types of cardio workouts that will allure too many different people. Pilates is a common cardio workout and is decently for loosing belly fat as well as toning your core. You can also use a dance workout or additionally program as extended as you have fun. The key to prosperity is coming across a cardio workout that you enjoy so you will stick amongst it until you begin to see results. Many people think that loosing person fat is impossible, and while it is more difficult for some people homeowners can come down such a waist size amidst the best diet and exercise.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Need to lose fat naturally?

Daily DIet

A great majority of you are required to have heard that fruits are very good for your health. Studies verify so by adding fruit to your diet, you increase your chances of weight loss. Fruit contains numerous vitamins and nutrients that your person yearns for.

Water is a pertinent element in weight loss and is at last found in almost all the fruits. Not only performs fruit help in losing weight, but it in addition provides energy for your body. Eating the recommended duration of fruit daily can help in your journey for reaching your intention of weight. Eating just recently one piece of fruit a day can bring you one stage closer to success. It performs not matter whether your fruit is being eaten raw or freshly squeezed to a juice. Whichever fruits you desire to consume, it will regularly help in your weight loss and looking healthier.

Fruits are full of vitamins and minerals. Pears are a great source for your fiber intake. Fruits these types of as strawberries and cantaloupe are low in calories. Plumbs are great for your digestive system. Apples play a crucial portion in losing weight too. Studies have also shown that apricots may even decrease blood pressure. High rates of vitamin C and water are at last found in oranges. Raisins, however are a top notch snack, but are high in calories.

It is a wonderful thing that fruits taste so sweet. It makes them a lot straightforward to eat, contrasted to a multitude of factors of conventional diets. Now is a sharp time to add fruits into your daily diet.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obesity – health problem

Obesity is, quite simply, an excess of body fat. Usually, anyone who is 20 percent over the normal weight for his or her age, sex, build, and height is considered OBESE.
Obesity-even moderate overweight- puts an undue stress on the back, legs, and internal organs, which can eventually exacerbate many physical problems and compromise health.
It can cause a higher risk of developing coronary artery disease, diabetes, gallbladder disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, stroke etc.
Obesity is a serious health problem. At least, one third of the Americans are 20 percent or more overweight. The most common cause of obesity are poor diet and/or eating habits and a lack of exercise.

What to do? How to achieve this?

1. Do not worry so much about the numbers of calories you consume as about eating the proper foods. Rotate your foods and be sure to eat a variety of foods. Eat meals that consist of a balance of proteins, complex carbohydrates and some fat. Proteins can increase your metabolic rate by as much as fat. Proteins can increase your metabolic rate by as much as 30 percent, and help to balance the release of insulin.

2. Protein- induced glucagon mobilizes fats from the tissue in which it is stored, thus aiding in weight loss.

3. By eating balanced meals you get more steady blood sugar levels and the ability to burn stored body fat for long term weight loss.

4. Eat more complex carbohydrates that also offer protein, such as tofu, lentils, plain baked potatoes, sesame seeds, beans, brown rice, whole grains, skinless turkey or chicken breast, and white fish (no shellfish). Poultry and fish should be broiled or baked, never fried.

5. Eat foods raw, if possible. If foods are heated, they should be baked, broiled, steamed, or boiled. Never consume fried or greasy foods.

6. Eat fresh fruits and an abundance of raw vegetables. Have one meal each day that consists entirely of vegetables and fruits.
Permanent weight loss, however, requires a life time commitment to a healthier lifestyle in general.

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