Wednesday, December 3, 2008



Pssst! Looking to lose weight fast?


Almost everyone is getting ripped off by supplement companies. I learned that most magazines are nothing more than “supplement catalogs” and those dishonest companies will tell you anything to make a fast buck.

Dear Friend,

No doubt you have spent tons of money on running around different Fat loss program, dead broke, trying to figure out how to loose fat and Gain muscle.

You are about to discover what might be the most powerful Fat Lose System ever developed. It’s the same diet program fitness models and bodybuilders use to reach single digit body fat levels and look like walking anatomy charts.

There are thousands of diet programs and dozens of people claiming to be experts. However, very few of those so-called “Fat Loss Experts” practice what they preach.

Do you want to know how to lose body fat permanently?

Even in your mushiest spots … then you are at the right place. Keep on reading.........

It's a fact - 95% of the people who go on conventional diets gain all the weight back and sometimes they end up fatter than when they started. Now you can learn how to be in the successful 5% group that keeps it off forever.

One of the key factor to lose fat and have bodybuilding success is Nutrition.

Nutrition is what gives us the raw materials for recuperation, energy, and muscle growth so having the proper bodybuilding diet plan is essential. Without a good bodybuilding diet, your dreams of achieving your ideal body will never be reached.

In order to lose body fat and achieve good gains in muscle mass, your nutrition program needs to provide your body with quality nutrients in the form of carbohydrates (which serve to provide energy), proteins (which provide the amino acids to repair muscle tissue and other tissues in the body), good fats (which support healthy hormonal production) and finally water (as most of your body is made up of water).

The Truth About Fat Burners - Are There Any Fat Burners That Are Effective?

Without the proper diet and training program there is no pill that will give you the results that you are looking for. If fat loss is your goal you need to create a nutritional program that will feed your muscle tissue while starving the fat.

The way to do this is the following:

Eat a Slightly caloric deficient Diet…….

Eat frequently: Your diet should consistent of multiple small meals a day consisting of complex carbohydrates, Lean proteins, and some essential fats.

Water Intake: Your body is mostly composed of water so if you do not drink your daily requirement you may be jeopardizing your muscle gains and also not letting your body get rid of the toxins and waste produced by all of the physical activity efficiently.

Focus on Weight Training: Your workout program should focus on weight training as this activity will build more muscle which not only serves to give you a pleasing shape but also increases your Metabolism permanently, thus making it easier to lose fat.

Do some cardio: In order to really accelerate fat loss, supplement your weight training with 30-45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times per week. For best results, cardiovascular exercise should be performed either first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or right after the weight training.

As you can see, losing fat while toning up requires a multi-faceted approach that no pill in the market can substitute for.

Do you know, Why is drinking water important for losing fat?

Oxidation of fat creates waste products. You need water to help flush them. The reaction that uses fat for fuel also involves water, so if you are dehydrated, there is a chance you won't burn as much fat. When you train, you deplete your muscle of glycogen.

The only way for glycogen to get back into the muscle is through glucose bound to water, so without enough water, you won't get the fuel to your muscles that need it. Water is what the body uses to manipulate the charge inside and outside of the cell to drive nutrients and waste products out.

Are you still interested? Do you want to know more?

Sign up for my FREE newsletter to learn more about good Carbohydrates list, bed carb, and much much more...You can sigh up from the box at the bottom of my website.

I know you want more but the thing is that now you are confused.

What to and what not to eat?

Make liberal use of vegetables throughout the day. Vegetables provide fiber, which not only helps with digestion, but also increases your metabolism and provides a feeling of fullness. I eat as much as 1 bag in some of the later meals of the day.

The biggest issue most beginners have is changing their diets to one that will help them achieve their bodybuilding and fitness endeavors. Because I have noticed that most people do much better easing into a diet rather than changing all of their eating habits overnight, here is a proven way to gradually ease into a bodybuilding diet that will assist you in building lean muscle mass, and in losing body fat, with minimum disruption to your current habits and schedule.

Okay, so now you might have question like this.....

How do I avoid "starvation?

Starvation is something that serves two purposes. In the mind of marketers, its a great scare tactic to shock people into buying supplements to make sure they have something on the road and don't go into that scary starvation mode. It is also great to market systems because Americans like to eat. So any system that says, "Lose fat by eating more" is going to sell. The second purpose it serves is for the person on the diet. It is a great justification for never going low enough to achieve phenomenal results - after all, they make kick into starvation mode. Better to have a reason to keep calories up and blame the inability to lose that last bit of ab flab on something else.
When you lower calories, your metabolism goes down. This isn't starvation. This is your metabolism going down. The thing is who cares? I know the trend is to say it's better to eat more and have a burning metabolism. Personally, I don't see how a slow metabolism is any worse than a fast one if you are eating nutrient dense. In other words, I know a 1200 calorie diet with far more nutrients than a typical American 3000 calorie diet. If it is sustainable and enjoyable, who cares if the metabolism is a bit slower? The idea is that it is easier to lose fat, but if you reach your goal and are maintaining, theoretically you don't have to lose more fat.

Do I need to eat more calories to get stronger?

Strength is called a neurological (rather than physiological) response because in general, you can gain strength simply by training your central nervous system to become more efficient at contracting more muscles simultaneously. This allows you to generate more force without more mass.
It is true that Gaining muscle requires a caloric surplus and losing fat requires a caloric deficit. People who just start out have an adaptive response and can gain muscle while losing the fat. After your first several months, however, you are pretty much in that mode.

It is a myth that strength and mass go hand in hand. They do not - they impact each other but not to the greater extent. Some of the strongest power-lifters in the world have smaller muscles than many bodybuilders, and some of the biggest bodybuilders have weak bench press and squats.

Did you know?

FAT BURNERS help to raise your METABOLISM so you burn FAT faster.

Find out which FAT BURNERS can help to BURN FAT while maintaining Lean Muscle Mass…..

Learn how to gain MUSCLE WEIGHT by using the 10 sets of 10 reps Body Building Workout….

Learn SEVEN tips that can make your Aerobic Exercise workouts more enjoyable and effective…..

Discover how to use Aerobic exercise to accelerate FAT LOSS without losing Lean Muscle Mass…….

Do you want to know the basics of Protein Supplements and which ones can help you to achieve your Bodybuilding and Fitness goal….?

Learn how to maintain your Body Building program during the holidays through clever planning of your Training, Nutrition and Supplementation….

Learn how to properly schedule cheat meals while minimizing FAT LOSS and maximizing MUSCLE…..

How to bulk up and gain MUSCLE WEIGHT correctly so that you can maximize your MUSCLE gains and minimize your FAT GAINS……

Do you know what creatine is, how to use it and why this BODYBUILDING supplement can help you to achieve your bodybuilding goals faster….?

Are you interested for systematic way to Loose fat and live healthy life, then sign up for my FREE newsletter.

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